Monday, November 29, 2010

Luck of the Irish?

Gimme yer whiskey and gimme yer scotch. And throw in yer pensions while you're at it, lad. Apparently, investing in corporate bonds has become a risk free endeavor, as evidenced by the EU/IMF bailout of Ireland. No haircuts for bondholders of banks who imploded the system. But Irish pensioners get to devote 20% of their balance to protecting these banking bastards. Take to the streets, Ireland. First and foremost, do it for yourselves and your grandchildren. Secondly, do it for the rest of us. You see the global elites are performing a whole handful of litmus tests on the world's billions of serfs. And Ireland is one of them. They want to to see just how much sheeple can be pushed before they do something violent, something unpredictable, something that truly scares the living feces out of politicians. If all the Irish do is hold a few demonstrations, and then go back to their bleak way of life, then the elites can move on to Portugal, Spain, and then the mother of them all, our beloved U.S., and continue enslaving the populace. Pensions seized, coupled with austerity-led mass unemployment, and bingo: you have millions of slaves, and countless others who will view their own predicament as futile, and gladly follow suit, while glued to iphones, DWTS, and Jersey Shore.

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