It was a natural progression of events. Call it the sequel to the Economic Law of Motion of Modern Society. Over the past decades, wealth has become more and more entrenched. Capital has been consolidated and material money, securities, land and assets have been limited to an elite few. Call it the One Percent or call it the Ten Percent, the numbers don't lie.
It was a necessary end. It followed naturally. Once those with wealth were able to disassemble and dismantle the governmental and societal safeguards that kept the whole system in place, it was bound to do this. Over the past few decades, the ultra wealthy have succeeded in limiting the income of its labor class, so that the income of its labor class has stagnated. When stimulus checks were recently issued, it became obvious that the system was not sustainable. The money from the stimulus checks was more than the labor class members were making at work. That is, work, if they could find it. The fact of the matter is that the labor class in this country has been living on borrowed time and borrowed money now for decades, at the very least since the last economic crisis in 2008. Boy, I sure am glad we learned our lesson then.
So Labor and Capital are continuing to precipitate out as two poles in society. There is the class of those who were born to work; who have to work to live; and who have no time in their life where they can look to when they will not be looking. This is especially the case as the U.S. has been forced to compete with labor overseas. Overseas labor has been living on a lower standard of living, and based on the Iron Law of Wages, lower pay.
These are dumb Capitalists. Their greed has overcome their ability to see the big picture. The system has always been set up where all they had to do was sit back, live off of the nation's wealth and labor, and not fuck it up. But these are dumb Capitalists. They began undermining their labor class. They took away what it needed to be self-sustaining. They became greedy and sucked out just enough so that it could no longer just work to survive. You would think that no one could be that stupid, but you'd be wrong.
Archie Bunker would have been glad to keep slaving away. He would have sat on the lazy boy and watched television and bread and circuses his whole life. Then died and been forgotten. It was a great system (for them), but these are dumb Capitalists.
The system had worked for so long, you may ask, so what went wrong? Why couldn't they be smart Capitalists and continue the system in perpetuity? It's a great question. And the answer seems to be that the Capitalists may suffer from a certain type of inbreeding. Instead of a meritocracy, where the smartest and brightest rise through the ranks to earn and then manage capital, this group had its own progeny handle the task. They didn't earn it. And they don't know how to manage it. They never had to learn the value of things, and so they don't now.
And that is why they are ruining the one system that was given them and that was all that they would ever possibly need or want, and then some.
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