Monday, November 10, 2014

The Right's Cognitive Dissonance

The Right's Cognitive Dissonance:

1.  Talking about religious freedom but concomitantly establishing religious intolerance.  They want to blur the line between religion and State and continually attack the Founders who insisted on the First Amendment's separation of Church and State.  You cannot have religious freedom without a secular state. 

Otherwise, every religion competes for hegemony, attempting to establish a monopoly wherein it is institutionalized by the government and by the state.  All Western monotheistic religions contain this mission. 

The "Great Commission" of Christianity requires that the literal constructionists and Christian fundamentalists establish a "Christian nation" and to convert other peoples and nations of the world to their own faith, sometimes using violence, as history shows.  The same is true of Islam.

2.  Talking about free markets but concomitantly establishing ingrained and vested monopolies by extreme wealth.  They support massive corporate domination of government and necessary regulations, and allow the 1% of extreme wealth to take over government services for their own profit and aggrandizement, even when it is not feasible in cases such as the environment, and even when it is less efficient than that provided by the government.

3.  Talking about protecting liberty but concomitantly actively and illegally "detaining" over 200 individuals in Cuba in cages for over a decade, in some cases, without even a hearing, the barest notion of due process, all in the name of "security."

4.  Talking about government taking away liberties and concomitantly causing the extraordinary dispossession  of liberty by a small, massively capitalized elite.

 Behold, this is the Right's cognitive dissonance.

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