Thursday, October 25, 2012

Know Your Enemy

"Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy, wah hey. . . "

-Green Day

Well, do you?  It appears that hoi polloi does not.  There he is, though.  Right there in front of you.  On every idiot box in every deli and car wash and doctor's waiting room from sea to shining sea.  That reincarnation of the Tin Man is dead-set on taking back the country and keeping you in chains.

But the dissonance never ceases.  His running mate proclaims that "government" is preventing social mobility.  If it weren't such a contrapositive of the actual facts, it could be funny.  But the masses bow down to their enriched slaver and kowtow to his purportedly having been "successful."

How can it even be a close election?  The idea that the government of the world's sole and only hyperpower can be run like some vacuous company?  Who in the fuck came up with that nonsense and started peddling it?  Well, the answer to that question may lead you to some sense of who really is your enemy.

Because it's not the one who makes the same money as you.  And it's not the one that counts success as realizing a political vision.  It's the one whose sole purpose in his sickeningly overfocused crusade has been to take power and continually amalgamate power for the privileged, the enriched, the reprised aristocracy, the neo-feudalism, in essence, landing you on a prison planet.

Haven't we been here before?  Wasn't enough blood draped upon the unforgiving guillotine not so long ago? Weren't the real founding fathers loading their long rifles and sharpening their knives under torchlight to try to chip a piece off of entrenched privilege?  Wasn't gentility once visible to those who served it all their slave-worn lives?

How do you help those defend their meager labors when they cannot understand that they're slaves?  How do you seize the land when those who should be doing the seizing commiserate with their captors?

How do you get them to know their enemy?

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