"Tired of beating your head against the wall while Hoi Polloi bury you in the latest talking points they received during recent fellatio of the idiot box?
Had enough of wading through the conspiracy of dunces and the tidal wave of imbeciles pawing at you like the Zombie Apocalypse?
Fear not, and take heart, for the political machine stops."
--R. H. Maravelt
Just think about it for a minute. You see the social media light up daily with the goings on of the dominant party -- lunches with the Republican Women's Forum and the Strepford Wives' Club.
They're getting together with the latest candidates for office to vet them and sit in a modern parlor to go over that "God-awful" party of miscreants -- the "Blue" party -- those that threaten at the gates, as if it was Mordor and orcs beating on the walls of Minas Tirith -- the unwashed, the unsophisticated, the unmonied, the lower classes.
On and on and on the social media and the pictures of those that suck the assholes of the purveyors and managers of the monied classes and Das Kapital. And the shills, the toadies, the whores of the monied classes, like the sell-out prisoners who assist the oppressors in the concentration camps, smile and fawn and suck more and more out of their owners' assholes. It would be amusing if it weren't just so amusing.
But the good thing is that the machine runs on fealty; it is no meritocracy. Those who have made it to where they are by sucking the shit out of assholes are weeded out for being good at sucking the shit out of assholes. They are sitting ducks for a cutting, intelligent, highly focused diatribe. They are raw meat for the wolves of those who deserve but run hungry. They are the sheep for the slaughter that they so richly deserve.
They are not intelligent. They know not how to formulate argument. Theirs is simply to re-post and to regurgitate and to re-echo in their echo chamber little simplistic idiocies that have been handed down to them.
Wade into them. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo, that a moment before was your best friends face . . . you know what to do.