Mother Nature has belched in all four elemental forms. There is either too much water, or not nearly enough. The wait for some economic respite, the wait for the horror to recede, hoping that tomorrow, we'll all be free.
But this is a systemic change. There is nowhere for the pendulum to return. Everywhere in every way and at every time-type of change. Go outside and look at the sky. Think about every organism that looks to it for sustenance as it goes about its busy way. Think about all of that changing and the scale of something like that changing, and changing permanently.
If your employer can pay a person with a high school or even a college diploma in India or China or the Philippines less than your employer pays you, then something is going to change. Assuming the Internet and technology can defray any associated costs with the distance involved between your employer and his new employees in India, China or the Philippines, the change is going to take place.
You are going to lose your job. And with that change comes another. You will have to find other work that cannot be outsourced to India, China or the Philippines. It will likely pay less, at least for the short term. The next change is that your standard of living. It is going to go down. You will have to change your spending habits, the type of food you eat, whether or not you can afford entertainment, and, most importantly, where you live.
You will no longer be able to afford the house you live in. This will likely result in a default on your mortgage, or your selling the house at a loss in order to get out of the note you no longer afford. Eventually, when others like you have their job outsourced to India, China or the Philippines, they too will default or sell at a loss. The result is that the housing market goes into decline, then free fall.
To the extent you had been using your house to secure any debt, you will default on this as well. Since the value of the security is declining, it may not be able to secure the debt. You can no longer live on debt any more because you have used all that had been extended to you. You are entitled to no more.
On the macroeconomic scale, the change results in an equilibrium between your earning power and those you now compete with in India, China or the Philippines. Economic principles dictate that, if your employer pays his new employees over there less than he pays you, eventually the earning power between the two parts of the world will become the same.
With this equilibrium in earning power comes an equilibrium in spending power and, eventually, standard of living. If you make the same as someone over there, then you will have the ability to pay the taxes only as much as someone over there. Infrastructure depending upon payment of those taxes will also begin to suffer, until it is in equilibrium with that of India, China and the Philippines.
Your local municipality has lost its tax base. So roads and bridges and human services begin to suffer. After spending four trillion on a war designed to propagate the lie that America is still superior to all others, your municipality is without that money to pay any teachers. But without teachers, you are only raising a population that is less educated, less likely to question, and less likely even to understand the process taking place, as you are reading it here and now. So consider yourself lucky.
Without property taxes or sales taxes, the property taxing authority has to foreclose upon property to get taxes paid. This results in foreclosure sales that further send the market into free fall. The more that default, the more that are foreclosed upon, the more the market goes into free fall. It is a never-ending feedback loop, an express elevator to Hell.
The types of goods that you can buy, and therefore attract to the market where you live, will also fall into equilibrium with India, China and the Philippines. On a national scale, not only does infrastructure suffer, but so too do things like the space program, the arts, and military. Eventually, everything has changed. What was once a Superpower or a Hyperpower is now a backwater.
But that's not all. Operators are standing by. Dial the number on the bottom of your screen. These changes began to have an extraordinary impact upon your pysche. The American Dream that you had been brought up with begins to rust, and cloud up, and evaporate. No longer is there really anything that makes you special. The fireworks on television from super-high-tech-jet-fighters are relics of the past, designed and manufactured with bloated defense budgets that were eventually lost in the trillions that the defense firms ran off with.
No longer does the American dream ensure that you are better -- or at least better off -- than the rest of the world. In fact, as your federal government goes further and further into to debt from trying to keep the show going on, what money you have becomes inflated and less valuable. The stocks that you scrimped and saved to buy are not worth what the ballooned market says they are. It is government printing and spending and debting that propels this balloon. You and I both know that it must eventually pop.
So what are you left to do? Well, there is ol' time religion and its new-bred brother, religious fanaticism. Forget all that you see, it's not reality, it's just a fantasy. Reality, you can begin to believe, exists in another time and place no one has ever been to and returned. But it is so much easier, because you still believe in the dream. You can even ward off the fears and the disillusionment that is wracking your soul by focusing on the simplicity and reptition of ol' time religion and its Siamese twin, the Other. The Muslim Terrorists, or the Illegal Aliens from South of the border -- now those are the ones at fault for stealing your dream.
How can you find meaning in all of this? Well, you can take up the mythical fight. Pretend you are on the beaches of Normandy, even though you never leave the Lazy Boy. Rail against the Enemy with your cheerleaders on television. Those millionaires make more in a month than you will ever now see in your life, but you whimper and rub up against the bottoms of their feet because their anger seems to make it so much better.
Don't blame yourself for electing those who sold your dream. Don't blame yourself for supporting those who robbed you and made you into a moron. Don't blame yourself for buying into the fantastical lie that the Other took away your American Dream. And, most important of all, don't blame yourself for now being unable to do anything about it.
Go back to sleep. Hopefully, the floods, tornadoes, earthquakes and fires will lull you further into your own deep sleep.